Concept of 6 Tastes or Shad-Rasa in Ayurveda

Concept of rasa: Ayurveda identifies 6 tastes or 6 Rasa. These 6 ayurvedic tastes play an important role in nourishing the body and maintaining states of tridoshas.

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Shadrasa or 6 tastes in ayurveda.

Panchamahabhuta and 6 Tastes or Rasa

Effect of Rasa or 6 tastes on Tridoshas

How foods with these tastes can imbalance body ?

We relish food because of its taste. Rasa means “essence,” “taste,” or “flavor,” “sap” or “juice” in Sanskrit. According to the principles of Ayurveda the 5 building elements of the universe or Panchamahabhuta are present in all matters. 6 Rasas are not an exception to this. All 6 tastes are made up of 5 elements or panchamahabhuta, out of which 2 elements are predominant.

Here is the list of shadrasa or 6 tastes in Ayurveda.


  1. Madhura Rasa (Sweet Taste)
  2. Amla Rasa (Sour taste)
  3. Lavana Rasa (Salt taste)
  4. Tikta Rasa (bitter taste)
  5. Katu or Ushna Rasa (Pungent taste)
  6. Kashaya Rasa (Astringent taste)

When used wisely, foods that contain these tastes energize our bodies and help to balance tridoshas. Kashaya rasa or Astringent taste provides the least energy whereas Madhura rasa or sweet taste provides maximum energy. The energy-boosting factor successively increases from Kashaya rasa to Madhura Rasa

Concept of 6 Tastes or ShadRasa in Ayurveda

Relationship Between Pancha mahabhuta and 6 Tastes or Rasa

As said earlier all 6 tastes contain 5 basic elements of Pancha mahabhuta. But in each taste two basic elements are dominant. This is known as panchabhoutikatwa of rasa. Here goes the list

Rasa Panchabhoutikatwa
Sweet (Madhura rasa) Earth + Water
Sour (Amla Rasa) >Earth + Fire
Salt (Lavana Rasa) Water + Fire
Bitter (Tikta Rasa ) Air + Ether
Pungent (Katu Rasa) Fire + Air
>Astringent (Kashaya Rasa) Air + Earth


Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are three energetic forces that are the main reasons for body functions. When these are in a balanced condition the body will be devoid of diseases. Any imbalance in these causes diseases.

Effect of Rasa or 6 tastes on Tridoshas

Effect of 6 tastes on VATA DOSHA :

Sweet, Sour, and salt tastes alleviate Vata dosha whereas Bitter, Pungent, and Astringent tastes increase it

Effect of 6 tastes on PITTA  DOSHA:

Astringent, Bitter, and Sweet tastes alleviate Pitta dosha whereas Sour, Salt, and Pungent tastes increase it.

Effect of 6 tastes on Kapha  DOSHA:

Bitter, Pungent, and Astringent tastes alleviate Kapha dosha whereas Sweet, Sour, and  Salt tastes increase it.






























Based on individual Prakriti or constitution, to keep all tridoshas in balance we have to include foods that contain these tastes (all 6 tastes) in our diet.

How foods with these tastes can imbalance body?

Example 1:

If you regularly eat foods that are sweet, salty, and sour, the Kapha dosha increases and leads to obesity (sthoulya ), diabetes (madhu meha ), etc.

If you eat fewer foods with sweet, salty, sour tastes and more foods that are bitter, pungent, and astringent you can reduce body weight and control blood sugar levels.

Example 2:

If you regularly eat foods that are sour, salty, pungent the Pitta  dosha increases and leads to acidity, belching and burning sensation etc. (amla pitta)

If you eat fewer foods with sour, salt, pungent tastes, and more foods that are astringent, bitter, and sweet you can control the above symptoms.

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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