Relationship Between Vata Dosha and Erectile Dysfunction

Vata dosha is the main energetic force that helps to keep all body functions in normal condition. When Vata gets imbalanced it affects sexual function in men and causes ED or Impotence.

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Table of content

What is vata dosha ?

How erection occurs ?

Ayurveda physiology of erection and ejaculation

How Erectile Dysfunction occurs ?

How vata affects erection ?

How to balance vata to restore erection

What is Vata dosha?

According to Ayurveda principles, the activities of our body are governed by tridoshas. Tridoshas keep our bodies healthy when they are in a balanced condition. The disease is the result of an imbalance in these doshas. Tridoshas (three dosha) are vata (Ayurveda Vata Dosha – Body Type and Balancing Tips ), pitta ( Ayurveda Pitta Dosha, Its Types, Pitta Diet ), and kapha ( Kapha Dosha Types, Qualities, Functions and Sites in Ayurveda ). Five mahabhutas or panchamahabhuta  ( PanchaMahabhuta in Ayurveda ) = akasha, vayu, prithvi, jala and agni) combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces called doshas. Vata is made of Vayu (air) and aakasha (ether). Pitta is made up of jala and agni (water (Water – the Elixir of Life- An Ayurveda View ) and fire), Kapha is made up of jala and prithvi ( water and earth).

As vata dosha is made up of ether and air, it is light (laghu) , dry (rooksha), and moves fast. It needs clear spaces to move. Any obstruction in its path causes vitiation and imbalance of other doshas. Vata carries the other two doshas (pitta and Kapha) with it and enables them to function normally. Hence when Vata is in balanced condition it keeps body healthy.

Vata governs breathing, movement of muscles, tissues, movement of signals in nerves, etc. All movements of body fluids, voluntary and involuntary movements, activities of the brain, spinal cord, and complete nervous system are controlled by Vata. Vata is mainly located in the large intestines, pelvic cavity, thighs, and bones

How does erection occur?

The two chambers of the penis (corpora cavernosa,) which run through the organ are filled with spongy tissue. The corpora cavernosa are surrounded by a membrane called the tunica albuginea. The spongy tissue contains smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, spaces, veins, and arteries. The urethra, which is the channel for urine and semen runs along the underside of the corpora cavernosa.

Due to sensory or mental stimulation, or both, the erection begins. Due to impulses from the brain and local nerves, the muscles of corpora cavernosa relax and allow blood to flow in and fill the spaces of spongy tissue.

The flow of blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the chambers, thereby sustaining erection. When muscles in the penis contract to stop the inflow of blood and open outflow channels, erection recedes.

In Ayurveda physiology of erection and ejaculation is described as follows.

Vrishunow basthimedram cha naabhyuuru vankshnow gudam|
Apaanasthaanamantrasthaha shukra mootra shakrunti cha||

The “apaanavayu” one of the five types of vayu is located in the testicles, urinary bladder, phallus, umbilicus, thighs, groin, anus, and colon. Its functions are ejaculation of semen, voiding of urine and stools”.

Shushruta explains the process of erection and ejaculation as “ When a man has desire (iccha) to have sex, his response to touch increases ( Vayu located in skin causes the flow of signals from skin to brain, thus causing sensation of touch). This causes arousal or “harsha” . Arousal or Harsha intensifies actions of vayu and at this moment highly active vayu liberates the “teja “or heat of pitta. Thus tejas and vayu increase body temperature, heartbeat and blood flow causing an erection.

How does Erectile Dysfunction occur?

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause ED.

How vata affects erection?

As vata governs the nervous system, vitiation of Vata can disturb the flow of impulses from the brain to the genital organ leading to loss of erection.

Blood flow in arteries is controlled by Vata. Any obstruction in arteries like plaques or deposits disturbs blood flow in these tissues thus causing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Injury is a cause for vitiation of vata. Injury to genital organ vitiate vata leading to failure of erection.

Teja or pitta which gets liberated due to the action of vata can be correlated to testosterone hormone. When Vata gets vitiated it fails to produce testosterone hormone sufficient to maintain erections.

Even constipation aggravates vata leading to ED and PE.

How vata can be balanced to prevent erectile dysfunction?

  • Maintain a regular routine. Eat at regular intervals, sleep at a regular time, and exercise regularly. This is very important to keep Vata in a balanced condition.
  • Massage your body with herbal oils to reduce the vitiation of Vata.
  • Avoid unnecessary popping of pills.
  • Sleep for sufficiently long hours at night and avoid sleeping in the daytime.
  • Say no to junk foods and aerated drinks.
  • Stop drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Addiction to these kinds of stuff vitiates Vata and can cause irreversible changes.
  • Manage stress and anxiety by practicing yoga and meditation. Reduced stress level balances vata and prevents erectile dysfunction.
  • Use foods such as warm milk, cream, butter, warm soups, stews, hot cereals, freshly baked bread
  • Avoid cold foods like cooled drinks, ice creams, etc. As cold foods and exposure to cold weather increase vata.
  • Deep-fried foods like chips, spicy foods vitiate Vata. Hence avoid these.
  • Obesity or being Overweight causes vitiation of vata as fat blocks the channels of vata. Weight reduction is very important to balance Vata. There is a relationship between obesity and erectile dysfunction.

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

Author: Dr.Savitha Suri , Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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