Health Benefits and Uses of Gotu Kola or Centella Asiatica

The plant gotu kola also known as bramhi or Centella Asiatica is recommended for health of skin and hair. It helps to improve brain function and testosterone.

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Table of content

About Gotu kola or Centella Asiatica

Gotu kola in Ayurveda Medicinal Properties, benefits and uses

Gotu kola or Centella Asiatica for Skin and Hair

Gotu kola for testosterone

Gotu kola for Brain

Gotu kola for Weight Loss

Other Health Benefits of Manduka Parni

The Culinary Use of herb centella asciatica

Gotu kola Dosage

About Gotu kola or Centella Asiatica

The herb Manduka Parni (Centella Asiatica) or gotu kola also known as Indian pennywort is a small herb that grows in tropical swampy areas. This herb is known as gotu kola in Hindi. It is an annual herb with a slender, green soft stalk. The roots consist of rhizomes and root hairs. The plants are connected to each other. The leaves are round, smooth and reddish-green in colour. The flowers are small and pinkish-red in colour. They occur in bunches. The plant matures in three months.

Chemical composition of Centella Asiatica

Scientists are able to determine the chemical composition of Centella asiatica or gotu kola contains various alkaloids, triterpenes, sterols, tannins, and glycosides. Recently three new compounds centellin, asiaticin, and centellicin were isolated from this herb.

Gotu kola in Ayurveda – Medicinal Properties, Benefits and Uses

Ancient texts of ayurveda explain the health benefits of gotu kola as follows.

health benefits and uses of gotukola

This herb has bitter taste (tikta rasa) and becomes sweet (madhura rasa) after digestion (vipaka).  It is light to digest (laghu) and has cooling properties (sheeta veerya). It balances pitta dosha and kapha dosha. Hence used in diseases that are caused due to vitiation of kapha and pitta. It has a special property of increasing intelligence. (medhya) . It acts as a memory booster and brain tonic  .

Ayurveda Acharyas list this herb under “bitter root group”. They also appreciate its anti-ageing, memory boosting and fertility increasing properties. All parts of this plant are used for medicinal purpose.

Gotu kola is known by different names in sanskrit and in other languages of India.

In Sanskrit

it is known as Mandukaparni (as leaves resemble frog’s shape), Manduki (just like frogs it is mostly found in regions that have more water ), Sarasvati (helps to improve intelligence, memory and concentration)

Names In Indian Languages

Bengsag or Brahmi in hindi, Ondelaga soppu in kannada, Sarasvathy Aku in Telugu,  Thulkudi in Bengali ,  Vallari Kirai in Tamil ,  Khanda Brahmi in gujarati, Karivan or Karivana in marathi ,

Gotu kola or Centella Asiatica for Skin and Hair

This herb is very effective in skin diseases (kushta roga) as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use is recommended in open sores and chronic wounds. Many studies have proved its wound healing properties.

It is eulogised as “varnya”, which implies that its use enhances skin fairness and glow. Hence it is used in ayurvedic face packs  for fairness and skin glow

Since it helps to improve scalp skin health, it is used to strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss. It is recommended in ayurvedic treatment for dandruff. This herb is used in many ayurvedic hair oils for hair growth, dandruff and flaky scalp

Gotu kola for testosterone

This herb is highly praised for its rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It is recommended in rasayana therapy or rejuvenation therapy.  Rejuvenation therapy helps to slow down the ageing process and nourishes 7 dhatu or body tissues. In this process, even shukra dhatu gets strengthened. This helps to increase testosterone and also acts as the best ayurvedic medicine for klaibya or erectile dysfunction.

This herb,  along with nourishing body tissues,  also boosts immunity.

Gotu kola for Brain

This herb is eulodised for its special property of improving memory, concentration and grasping power.  It is highly recommended as brain tonic . Its benefits in conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, stress, anxiety and depression are also appreciated.

Gotu kola for Weight Loss

The dry powder of this herb is used in dry massage in obesity. This process is known as “udwartana”. This process helps to improve blood circulation. Using tea prepared using this herb helps to boost metabolism which helps in weight management.

Other Health Benefits of MandukaParni

This herb is also effective in other health conditions apart from those mentioned above.

Improves Digestion

Mandooka parni increases body fire or agni. Hence its preparations are used in Indigestion, loss of appetite, conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and amoebiasis.

Improves heart health

This herb effectively helps to reduce high blood pressure and oedema which arises due to increased blood pressure. It normalizes vitiation of blood due to pitta.

Eases Bronchitis and Chronic Cough

The accumulated bronchial secretions or kapha gets easily expectorated when this herb is used in respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma. It is very useful in the inflammation of vocal cords.

In Diabetes

The usage of this herb helps to reduce the frequency of urination. It helps in diabetes.

Improves Lactation

Lactating mothers can reap the benefits of this herb, as it increases milk secretion and also purifies it.

Helps in fever

Apart from these benefits the herb gotu kola also acts as an antipyretic. It helps to reduce fever and normalize body temperature.

The Culinary Use of herb Centella Asciatica

This herb is rich in Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6. It contains good amount of Vitamin K, minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium and Zinc.

Here is an introduction to the use of this herb in recipes.

Gotu Kola Sambola (Salad)

This is a famous Srilankan salad that is prepared using finely chopped gotu kola, grated coconut , chopped onions and lemon.

Gotu kola Kenda

This is a soup preparation which is prepared using rice, puree of centella asciatica, coconut milk, ginger , garlic, lemon and salt. It is once again a srilankan dish.


Brahmi leaves are used in chutney. Finely chopped leaves, Coconut gratings, coriander leaves, rock salt or sendha namak, green chillies are used to prepare this chutney. The chutney can be relished with idli dosa etc.

In Vietnam and Thailand leaves of Brahmi or centella asciatica are used to prepare a herbal drink.

Many yogis and acharyas advise chewing two or three leaves of this herb, along with plenty of water on an empty stomach.

Side Effects

This herb may cause headaches, rashes and giddiness when used in excess.

Gotu kola Dosage

Fresh juice extracted from the leaves of this plant is recommended for use in Ayurveda. According to ayurveda acahryas this juice can be taken in dose of 5 to 10 ml daily. This is for adults.

For children this herb has to be served in small quantity in form of chutney or salad.

Gotu kola capsules and syrups can also be used.

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Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

Reference: Pharmacological Review on Centella asiatica: A Potential Herbal Cure-all

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