Horse Gram Health Benefits – as Explained in Ayurveda

Ayurveda recommends horse gram for weight loss in obesity, diabetes, low sperm count, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, PCOS or PCOD, and Kapha-related diseases

This legume possesses plenty of anti-oxidants to scavenge free radicals. This pulse is used as a therapeutic agent in Ayurveda to treat the common cold, fever, kidney stones, constipation, diabetes, female infertility, and coronary heart disease.  Studies have shown that DL-proline and geranyl geraniol phytoconstituents from sprouts of this bean and mixed sprouts, respectively, are antibiotic-resistance breakers and can be recommended as a preventive measure for Shigellosis disease. The bioactive compounds of this bean, its nutritional composition, and potential health benefits are extensively researched. This underutilized crop is the main food in southern Indian Villages.

Read This article in Kannada  ಹುರುಳಿಕಾಳು – ಔಷಧೀಯ ಉಪಯೋಗ – horse gram in kannada

Read this article in Hindi वजन कम करने – मधुमेह – शुक्राणु की कमी में कुल्थी के प्रयोग Horse Gram Benefits -Hindi

5 Best Horse Gram Available Online

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Table of content
Ayurveda Description
For Men or Males
kollu for Weight Loss:
For Diabetes
How to Use this Bean ?
Who should not use ?

Horse gram or Kulthi (Botanical name – Macrotyloma uniflorum ) is widely consumed in South India. These lesser-known beans are used in curries and soups. Texts of Ayurveda refer to these beans as Kulatthika or Kulattha. The soup of these beans is used in the diet, after panchakarma treatment

Ayurveda acharyas praise medicinal properties, health benefits, and uses of kulattha as follows.

Kulattha  is spicy to taste (katu rasa). Its taste becomes astringent (kashaya rasa) after digestion. It is hot in potency (ushna veerya). It is light to digest (laghu), increases pitta dosha and Rakta (blood).

Improves Strength

This bean is very useful in various men’s health conditions. Men can regularly include recipes of kulattha in their diet. The benefits are explained as follows.

( 1 )

In Erectile Dysfunction

Since kulthi helps in weight loss and also controls blood sugar levels it is very beneficial for men who suffer from Erectile Dysfunction due to diabetes and ED due to obesity. It not only helps to reduce body weight but also supplies essential nutrients required for normal sexual function. This bean can be added to the diet as vajikarana food

In the Homeopathic system of medicine, they recommend phosphorous to rectify klaibya or erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.  Low sperm count or Oligospermia

Since this legume is a storehouse of minerals and protein, it provides excellent nourishment for sperm. Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and amino acids in this bean boost sperm count. Ayurveda acharyas recommend this bean to reduce the time of liquefaction of semen and remove impurities from it.

Helps to strengthen muscles.

Since this bean is rich in protein, Sprouted Kulattha is an excellent diet for men who want to build their muscles (mamsa dhatu ) and body strength.

Promotes Weight Loss:

Texts of Ayurveda praise the health benefits of kulattha and its uses in weight loss.  This legume is known to reduce medha dhatu (body fat) and Kapha dosha which are the root causes of obesity.

This wonder bean helps to lose weight fast as it is high in protein. Ayurveda acharyas recommend this to balance kapha dosha. A few ayurvedic recipes with this bean as an ingredient, which can be used in your diet to aid weight loss have been given at the end of this article. ( 2 )

Helps in PCOS and Menstrual Disturbances

Women who suffer from scanty bleeding or irregular menstrual cycle benefit from this pulse. The iron content of this bean helps to boost hemoglobin which is lost from menstrual cycles. Since it helps to control blood sugar levels and weight management, it is strongly recommended in PCOS/PCOD Ayurveda Diet.

Beneficial in Diabetes:

New research has shown the beneficial effects of this legume on diabetes. Regular consumption of these beans helps to reduce blood glucose levels.

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology have found that unprocessed raw bean seeds not only possess anti-hyperglycemic properties but also have qualities that reduce insulin resistance.


Describing this legume (Ulavalu in Telugu, Kulthi in Hindi, Kollu in Tamil) as a poor man’s pulse crop in South India, Dr.Tiwari said it was an anti-oxidant rich food grain. Traditionally different preparations were made with the pulse to suit the requirements of different seasons. For instance, it was given in the winter for generating body heat/warmth and energy.

Dr.Tiwari said the study found that raw bean was rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, and proteins, the major anti-oxidants present in fruits and other food materials.

Anti-oxidants help in controlling oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals. He said the study found that raw horse gram seed has the ability to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia by slowing down carbohydrate digestion and reducing insulin resistance by inhibiting protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1 beta enzyme.

He said that of late a belief has gained ground that eating sprouts of kulthi would be beneficial for health. However, the study found that during sprouting its anti-diabetic medicinal property gets reduced.

He said the majority of anti-oxidant properties were confined to the seed coat and its removal would not do any good. “Any preparation made of whole grain is better than sprouts or horse gram pulses”, he added.

Comforts Common Cold and fever

Ayurveda acharyas recommend soup of horse gram for common cold, fever, bronchitis, and asthma. It relieves congestion and makes breathing easy. It supplies required nutrients to boost body immunity  in fever and the common cold

Improves Digestion

It reduces flatulence and reduces indigestion. It also helps to eradicate intestinal parasites.

Relieves Constipation

The fiber content of this bean helps to relieve constipation and ease bowel movement.

It May Expell Kidney stones and is Good for Cystitis

Regular consumption of cooked kulthi helps to expel small kidney stones. Scientific studies have shown that these beans inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate stones in kidneys. This also helps to ease the burning sensation while passing urine, which happens in cystitis and UTI.

How to use Kulattha ?

Seeds have to be soaked overnight and the water has to be discarded the next day morning. These soaked beans have to be pressure cooked the next day to use in curries and soups.

  1. Always soak overnight before cooking.
  2. Discard soaked water as it contains phytochemicals that disturb the digestion.
  3. Use only cooked horse gram. Never eat it raw as it is very hard to digest.
  4. This is not recommended for people with gout or high blood uric acid, kidney problems, or diabetes.

Who should not use it?

Pregnant women, persons who are recovering from tuberculosis, and people who are willing to gain weight should not use horse gram. Persons with gout and high uric acid level, kidney malfunction should not use this legume

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Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for ayurvedic remedies.  Email . WhatsApp + 91 6360108663

Author –Dr.Savitha Suri

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