Can Constipation Cause Erectile Dysfunction ?

Constipation causes an Imbalance of vata which in turn imbalances apana vayu causing erectile dysfunction.  Apana vayu is the reason for male erection and ejaculation.

Related article Ayurvedic treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Table of Contents

Constipation- An Ayurveda View

Causes of Constipation – according to ayurveda

Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

Constipation and Erectile Dysfunction an Ayurveda View

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Due to Constipation

Ayurvedic Herbs and Home Remedies for constipation and erectile dysfunction

Constipation- An Ayurveda View

Constipation is a stomach disorder in which bowel movements are disturbed. In this condition hard, dry stools are eliminated infrequently.

Constipation is termed “malabhaddata” or “vibhandha” in Ayurveda. This condition surfaces when Vata dosha gets vitiated. According to the principles of Ayurveda, Vata dosha is mainly located in the large intestine and controls bowel movements. Vitiated Vata impairs bowel movement and causes dryness of stools. This leads to malabhaddata or Constipation.

Normal bowel movement :

Following bowel habits are considered normal.

Bowel movement once a day.
Bowel movement thrice a day.
Bowel movement once every three days.

Normal bowel movement may get temporarily disturbed due to various reasons like menstruation, physical exercise, travel, stress, anxiety, etc.

Ayurveda insists on the habit of bowel movement once a day, in the morning as soon as we wake up. This has been emphasized in the ayurvedic daily routine or Dinacharya. This helps us to keep healthy and boost our immunity. Tridoshas get normalized by daily bowel movements and all tissues get rejuvenated. “Agni” (Power of digestion) gets kindled and leads to normal healthy digestion

Causes of Constipation – according to Ayurveda

After digestion in the small intestine, the food (mostly fibers, minerals, and water) enters the large intestine or colon through the ileum. This will be pushed through the colon with the help of colon muscles. The mucosal layer of the colon absorbs water and minerals as food is pushed through the colon. This leads to the formation of solid stools by the time it reaches the rectum. If the movement of food is slow due to slow contraction of colon muscles, more water is absorbed and stool becomes hard causing constipation.

What factors imbalance digestion and Apana Vayu to cause constipation?

All factors which vitiate or imbalance Vayu or Vata dosha also imbalance Apana Vayu leading to constipation. Dry foods, refrigerated foods, and beverages, too much or too less physical activity, exposure to cold climates, stress, smoking, sleeping late at night, etc can vitiate or imbalance Vata or Vayu. This in turn imbalances Apana Vayu leading to erectile problems.

Causes of Apana Vayu Imbalance

According to texts of Ayurveda causes of Apana Vayu imbalance are explained as follows

  • Suppressing the natural urge to defecate.
  • Diet low in fibers.
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity.
  • Low intake of liquids.
  • Dehydration.
  • Medications.
  • Changes in Daily routine like travel, pregnancy, menstruation, aging, etc.
  • Certain foods.
  • Diseases of colon and rectum
  • Abuse of laxatives

Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

Here are a few tips to keep the digestive system healthy and keep constipation at bay.

Texts of Ayurveda strictly say no to suppressing the urge for defecation. If the urge for normal bowel is suppressed the following symptoms are experienced.

“Pakwashayashirhashulam vaatavarchapravartanam |

pindakodweshtanaadmaanam purishe syaadvidhaarite||

swedaabhyangaavagaahashcha vartayo basthi karmaha cha

hitam pratihate varchasyannapaananam pramathi cha ||”

It causes pain in the abdomen, headache, constipation, bloating, pain in calf muscles, and distension of the abdomen.  These symptoms can be relieved by massaging the abdomen with warm oil and placing towels dipped in hot water, sitting in warm water tubs, using suppositories, and consuming food and drinks which have laxative herbs.

Constipation and Erectile Dysfunction – An Ayurveda View

Many men suffer from constipation and erectile dysfunction or klaibya together. This makes us think “does constipation cause erectile dysfunction”? Does constipation affect ejaculation? Are erectile problems are caused by constipation? Researchers are yet to find an answer to this. But according to the principles of Ayurveda constipation does cause erectile dysfunction.

According to the principles of Ayurveda  Apana Vayu (one of the five types of Vayu) is responsible for carrying the function of erection, ejaculation, urination, and also eliminating stools or feces. When Apana Vayu is in a balanced condition these functions take place normally. On contrary, if Apana Vayu is imbalanced these body functions get affected. Vitiation or imbalance of Apana Vayu leads to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and constipation. Hence balancing main vata is very important to balance the remaining subtypes of Vata. ( Read Relationship between vata dosha and erectile dysfunction)

According to Ayurveda the separation of nutrients and waste starts in the small intestine. A membrane or “kalaa” called “purishadhara kalaa” lines the duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. This membrane helps in the absorption of nutrients and the formation of waste or stools. Its activities are controlled by Vata. Vitiation of Vata leads to constipation. The following causes vitiation of Vata.

  • Dry weather and dry foods.
  • Foods and beverages which cause irritation.
  • Spicy (katu rasa), bitter tasting (tikta rasa), Cold and astringent (kashaya rasa) foods and liquids.
  • Dried fish.
  • Overexertion.
  • Consumption of less quantity of food.
  • Injury.
  • Diseases.
  • Sleep disturbances (Insomnia)
  • Suppression of natural urges
  • Mental disturbances like grief and fear
  • Effects of suppressing urge for defecation

Imbalanced Vayu disturbs Agni or digestion. The principles of Ayurveda lay much importance on the digestive system, the food we consume, and the digestion of this food. Good digestion helps to supply nutrients and energy to all tissues of the body. The male reproductive system is not an exception to this. When the digestive system fails to work properly, our body tissues are deprived of essential nutrients and energy. When our body receives fewer amounts of nutrients due to improper digestion, it withholds nutrient supply to a few body systems that are not necessary for survival. The reproductive system is first to suffer from this because the body considers it a not-so-important organ system to survive.

Hence lack of nutrients in the reproductive system causes problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.  Keeping the digestive system healthy is the best Ayurveda remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Due to Constipation

what to eat in constipation?

Watch what you eat and how much you eat.

Always eat healthy natural foods which you can digest easily. Healthy eating helps to flush out accumulated toxins. When toxins are expelled, our body rejuvenates fast with help of added antioxidants which are supplied through natural foods. Healthy eating is like a detox for men with erectile dysfunction.

Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Fruits like papaya, banana, pomegranate, mango, Apple, raisins, Grapes, etc are very useful in both conditions. These not only supply lots of fiber which helps in easy bowel movement but also up the sexual function in men.

Use whole grains and pulses in your diet

Use more horse gram (Kulthi), green gram (Moong), and Urad Dal (Black gram)  in your diet. These not only increase the bulk fecal matter but also act as the best aphrodisiac.

Reduce meat

Restrict consumption of non-vegetarian food if you are using them daily.

No Sugar and processed foods

Keep processed food, sweets, and sugar at bay. These foods contain chemicals. Hence they slow down digestion and lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These also cause constipation and do not provide any nutrients to the male reproductive system. This plummets the libido and quality of erection.

Too much Oil spoils the show

Stay away from foods cooked in a lot of oil. Oily foods lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the penis. This hampers blood flow and causes soft erections. Use around 2 teaspoons of ghee per day instead.

Most of all, eating right can help get rid of erectile problems caused by poor digestion and constipation.

Water for constipation:

Keep yourself hydrated well. Water softens the stool and eases bowel movement. Drink around 3 liters of water per day.

Hot water V/s Cold water

Hot water increases intestinal motility and eases bowel movement. Hot water increases digestion, and metabolism and also helps to break food faster. Warm water acts as a detox agent and clears clogs in the body. Ayurveda acharyas praise hot water as the best detoxifier. It also reduces inflammation in the body and eases stomach colic and flatulence caused due to constipation. Make it a habit to drink 7-8 glasses of warm water in between. Hot water improves blood circulation and this results in good hard erections.

Hot water balances tridosha. Once the balance of doshas is restored, digestion gets normalized and the body begins to supply nutrients to all parts of the body. This will of course restore erectile function to its previous state.

Exercise Regularly:

Exercise daily. A daily brisk walk for 45 minutes per day is very essential to get rid of constipation. Walking also helps men who suffer from impotence.

Ayurvedic Herbs and Home Remedies for constipation and erectile dysfunction


Drink warm milk with a teaspoon of ghee at night. If you are not comfortable with milk, it can be replaced by water. A glass of warm water with a teaspoon of ghee helps in a great way.

Ashwagandha with Milk

Ashwagandha is a natural aphrodisiac and an adaptogen. Boil 2 teaspoons of ashwagandha root powder in a glass of milk and drink this at night. (Read Ashwagandha Ksheerapaka – Moon Milk or Ashwagandha Milk Benefits ) .

Shatavari, Gokshura or Tribulus, and Safed Musli with milk

Shatavari, Gokshura, Tribulus and safed musli or shweta musli also are effective in constipation and also improve sexual function. They balance Vata and ease the vitiation of Apana Vayu. Use in the same way as ashwagandha

Moong (Bengal Gram ) and Onion:

Cook 1 cup of moong with turmeric, sendha namak or rock salt, and 3 largely cut onions. Eat 1 cup of this three times daily along with rice or roti. This recipe not only provides nutrients but also softens the stools and eases evacuation of the bowel.

Other tips to prevent constipation

Avoid consuming purgatives frequently.  Practice meditation and yoga to keep stress at bay.

Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for ayurvedic remedies. Email . WhatsApp + 91 6360108663

Author : Dr. Savitha Suri Consultant Ayurvedic Physician

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