Erectile Dysfunction or Klaibya -An Ayurveda View
Erectile Dysfunction is known as Klaibya in ayurveda. Texts of ayurveda explain causes, types, symptoms and treatment for erectile dysfunction or Impotence.
Erectile Dysfunction is known as Klaibya in ayurveda. Texts of ayurveda explain causes, types, symptoms and treatment for erectile dysfunction or Impotence.
शराब, धूम्रपान, बार-बार स्खलन, मानसिक तनाव, अंडकोष का गर्म होना, व्यायाम न करना, कुपोषण आदि के कारण शुक्राणुओं की संख्या कम हो सकती है।
Ayurveda recommends Shilajit for men and women. It is used in ayurvedic treatments for PCOS, weight loss, erectile dysfunction and diabetes. It boosts immunity.
An ayurvedic PCOS diet plan is easy to adopt and contains healthy tea or drink ,breakfast, snacks and meal plan that help in weight loss, insulin resistance.
Texts of ayurveda recommend various ayurvedic home remedies for PCOS. These can be done at home for PCOS or PCOD and Female Infertility.
Ayurveda praises health benefits of lodhra in PCOS, female infertility, acne, pimple, wrinkles. It boosts fairness and glow of skin. It helps in weight loss.
Ashoka tree bark benefits in PCOS, menopause, female libido, irregular periods etc. Its flowers help to improve skin health. It cools body in cystitis and UTI
Ayurvedic medicines offer a holistic approach to managing PCOS / PCOD. They help in balancing hormones, insulin, inflammation, stress and periods. Know more
Brazil nuts are good for weight loss, diabetes, hair growth and sperm count. They balance vata and are heavy to digest. Eat only 2 brazil nuts per day.
In diabetic patients, nutrients of papaya help to manage blood pressure, constipation, immunity, and erectile dysfunction. In PCOS helps in weightloss & periods