Ayurveda Health Benefits of Dates or Khajur

Dates popularly known as Khajur, are recommended in Ayurveda for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count.

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Dates are fruits of date palms. This fruit is favored worldwide and its medicinal properties are appreciated by scientists and Ayurveda acharyas.

Dates have immense health benefits. Kharjura is the Sanskrit name for these fruits in Ayurveda. These fruits balance Vata dosha and pitta dosha

Based on the principles of Ayurveda, dates are sweet to taste (madhura rasa) and increase the moistness of tissues (snigdha). It is heavy to digest (guru) and acts as a body coolant (sheeta). It balances pitta dosha and Vata dosha.

Dates for Erectile Dysfunction

Dates are praised as vrushya or aphrodisiac fruits. Hence they are recommended in men’s health conditions like low sexual energy, low libido, and male infertility. Men can use dates with milk or make a salad with carrots

According to principles of Ayurveda, dates increase shukra dhatu. Shukra dhatu when in a balanced condition helps to boost male sexual health. Dates help to overcome erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count.

Ayurveda acharyas recommend dates in Ayurveda vajikarana therapy. Many ayurvedic preparations which are used as an ayurvedic remedy for klaibya or erectile dysfunction contain these delicious fruits. The Vajikarana recipe “Ayurveda Vrishya Ksheera”  is one of them. These fruits are rich in potassium.

Dates are high in potassium and potassium helps maintain the normal function of the heart and nervous system.

Erectile dysfunction can occur in potassium deficiency and also when there is an imbalance between levels of sodium and potassium. Potassium-rich dates help men to overcome these conditions effectively. A healthy heart and cardiovascular system are vital to getting strong erections.

Helps to improve sperm count:

According to the ayurvedic text “Bhava Prakasha”, Kharjura or Dates are known to function as “Shukrala” (the herbs which increase shukra dhatu ). The nutrient-rich fruit help to increase the quality and quantity of semen (improve sperm count).

Eases arthritis and Joint pain:

Khajur helps to balance Vata, which is the root cause of joint pain and inflammation. These fruits are also rich in potassium. Hence people suffering from joint pain and arthritis get benefit from the consumption of these fruits.

Relieves Constipation

Khajurs are rich in fiber and also increase the bulk of stool. Consume 5- 10 dates daily to get relief from constipation. This can be safely used for constipation during pregnancy.

Best Coolant in cystitis and UTI:

Dates act as diuretics and body coolants.  They are very helpful in conditions like cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urinary tract infections, and burning urination.

Help To gain weight

Dates are high in calories. Hence they help to gain a healthy weight. Eat around 10 to 15 dates per day followed by a glass of milk to increase body bulk.

Relieves acidity:

Dates are known to pacify acidity. Its alkaline nature helps to reduce discomfort caused due to excessive acid secretion in the stomach.

Useful In Anemia :

These fruits are an excellent source of iron. People who have a tendency to get anemia can consume dates regularly to prevent this condition. In Arabic native medicine, pregnant women are encouraged to eat these daily and this regimen is strictly followed for a few months even after delivery. Consuming dates during pregnancy helps in three ways. It prevents the occurrence of anemia and eases delivery pains. It reduces bleeding after delivery.

Controls  Diarrhea :

The potassium in this fruit effectively controls diarrhea. Ripe ones are useful in chronic diarrhea.

Can diabetics use Dates?

Too many dates are definitely not good for diabetes. These fruits have a high glycemic index. Spiking of blood sugar has been observed when these are consumed in more numbers. Eating 2 dates per day is beneficial for diabetes. But more than this can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

Dates and Milk an Ayurveda Recipe

Texts of Ayurveda recommend using dates with milk. This drink is known as vrushya ksheera or Vajikarana milk. It is one of the ayurvedic vajikarana foods. This milk can be consumed by anybody for other health benefits like gaining weight, boosting energy, improving pooping,  etc. Ayurvedic Home remedies with dates

  1. If you have a cranky stomach that grumbles to digest the food, here is a remedy with dates to rectify it. Finely chop 5-6 fresh dates and mix these with a teaspoon of ghee and a pinch of pepper powder. Consume this on empty stomach in the morning and drink a small glass of warm water. You can eat or drink after 2 hours. This relieves constipation; sets right Agni or digestive power and strengthens the digestive system.
  2. When you have a muscle pull or muscle cramp apply a poultice of date sugar on the affected part. Warm 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, and mix date sugar in it. Apply this warm poultice on aching muscles. This relieves pain.
  3. Chop around 15 fresh soft dates and mix them with 10 teaspoons of ghee. Add a pinch of ginger powder, cardamom powder, and a few strands of saffron or kesar. Store this in a jar and do not refrigerate it. Consume 1 teaspoon of this in the early morning. People who are willing to gain weight, pregnant women, and people with low energy levels can use this. This is an effective ayurvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction. People with high cholesterol and persons who are on weight loss programs refrain from using this. Diabetes people can use this if their blood cholesterol levels are within normal limits.
  4. We all know that refined sugar makes us obese. If you are on a weight loss program use date sugar instead of white raw sugar. It is a healthy substitute that contains lots of iron. This can be used in pregnancy. You can also use Dates Syrup or Dates Honey as a substitute for processed sugar.
  5. When acidity bites the belly, finely chop 2 fresh dates and mix them with a spoon of honey and consume it. It prevents palpitation and boosts energy.
  6. Kids usually get diarrhea during teething. At that time mix ½ teaspoon of date sugar and ½ teaspoon honey and give this to the child 2 to 3 times a day.
  7. Palm sugar milk or Kharjura sharkara ksheera is a very good recipe to boost strength, increase libido, and nourish recuperating patients. This recipe increases sperm count and helps in erectile dysfunction.
  8. Dates and Carrot salad is the best Vajikarana or aphrodisiac food
  9. A drink in which Milk is processed with dates is known as Vrishya ksheera or aphrodisiac milk. It is very useful for men with impotence and women with low libido. ( female libido)

Consult Dr.Savitha Suri for ayurvedic remedies.  Email drsavithasuri@gmail.com . WhatsApp + 91 6360108663

Reference- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3992385/

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

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