Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetes

Erectile dysfunction is indicated as klaibya and diabetes is known as madhu meha in ayurveda. The cause of both of these conditions is vitiation of vata dosha. Various natural herbs are recommended to address these conditions

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Erectile Dysfunction or Klaibya -An Ayurveda View

Erectile dysfunction in men is a real threat to men’s normal life. It can make you and your lover feel discouraged and frustrated. This has destroyed many relationships and unions. However, it is not the end of the world as it can be treated and the problem completely solved with natural ayurvedic remedies and disciplined lifestyles that are not difficult to do.

Take the following steps and remedies to treat erectile dysfunction and get your sex life active again:

Ayurveda Vajiikarana Therapy for Erectile dysfunction due to Diabetes

Ayurveda recommends Vajikarana therapy for men to improve their sexual function, prevent premature ejaculation, enhance sperm count, boost sperm motility and increase stamina. Ayurvedic doctors recommend Diabetic Vajikarana Therapy to improve stamina for diabetics. This therapy helps to improve erectile dysfunction in diabetes. Herbs in these preparations help to maintain blood sugar levels and also prevent inflammation of reproductive tissues which occurs in diabetes.

Eat balanced ayurvedic diets:

In one of Dr. Mucher’s sayings, it states that “the foods you eat have a direct effect on your erectile dysfunction”. You must ensure you always eat balanced diets if not for anything but for your condition. Always eat diets rich in veggies, fish, fruits, and whole grains with a little serving of refined grains and red meat.

This diet decreases the risk and also helps in controlling erectile dysfunction. Eating a balanced diet also assists in keeping a healthy body weight because obesity has been found to aid the potential for diabetes and vascular disease which are agents of erectile dysfunction (ED).

Add herbs like

  • Bitter melon or bitter gourd or Karela  ,
  • cumin seeds ,
  • Okra or lady finger
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon ( Ayurveda Health Benefits of Cinnamon ) etc in diet

Stop smoking:

Vascular disease has been attributed to one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. This is so when the supply of blood to the penis is restricted due to narrowing or blockage of the arteries. Blockage of important blood vessels can be a result of smoking, and this has an adverse effect on a firm erection. If you are smoking, take a giant step of stopping it to get the sexual gun back on track. Smoking causes erectile dysfunction in many.

Regular exercise:

Exercise is one of the various lifestyles that solve the problem of erectile dysfunction with great results. Studies have shown that exercise plays a vital role in combating the progress of erectile dysfunction (ED) and as well as treat it once it has become an issue in your body.  A simple brisk walk for 45 minutes helps to boost sexual function.

Have adequate rest:

In one of the 2011 Brain Research publishes, one study showed the effect of poor sleep on men’s testosterone levels. It confirms that low sex hormone concentrations are attributed to sexual dysfunction. This hormone secretion is researched to regulate the internal clock of the body, and certain hormones are being released with the help of the body based on sleep pattern quality. Therefore, just like Dr. Mucher saying, “Poor sleep patterns can contribute to ED”. Adequate sleeps and sticking to a good sleep pattern will help your body to release the needed sex hormones to perform optimally.

Reduce the alcohol:

Both short-term and long-term erectile dysfunction has been associated with alcohol. It was studied that the central nervous system is releasing an essential chemical such as nitric oxide which is responsible for aiding and producing an erection, and the central nervous system is being depressed by alcohol consumption; thereby reducing its effectiveness. This only implies that insufficient nitric oxide leads to erectile dysfunction.

Try Acupuncture: Acupuncture has turned out to be a new treatment for health issues such as depression, back pain, and as well as erectile dysfunction. Though there have been mixed studies concerning the efficiency of acupuncture for ED treatment, however, there have been positive results and reviews about its effectiveness. A Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine publish states that men with erectile dysfunction of antidepressant side effects can benefit from acupuncture. Another study also confirms that acupuncture has been found to help the quality of an erection and improve sexual activity based on about 39% of participants.

Take ayurvedic herbs:

Some herbs have been suggested through the evidence to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and improve erection by increasing the blood flow to the penis to improve sexual urge. Some of these herbs are

  • Ashwagandha ,
  • safed musli ,
  • Kapikacchu ,
  • ginger,
  • cinnamon and as well as fruits like
  • watermelon,
  • papaya, sweet lime, orange, etc.

Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Some studies have shown that about 35% to 70% of men with one type of diabetes or the other tend to experience some level of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation referred to as impotence or ED and PE in their lifetime. The studies further state that those men tend to involve in erectile dysfunction between ten to fifteen years earlier compared to men without diabetes. This increases with the age of the victims. Ayurveda acharyas recommend various natural ayurvedic treatments and medicines for erectile dysfunction due to diabetes. Few are mentioned here.

Erectile dysfunction becomes more rampant as diabetic men, age. The statistic states that over 50 years of age, the possibility of men with diabetes having a problem with erection stands at approximately 50 to 60%. While at above 70 years of age, the chance of having a problem with erection stands at about 95%.

When it comes to inner room performance, men can assess themselves if they are actually up to the task as expected. The worry of not being able to perform up to the task in bed is becoming a nightmare for the victims and has led to a loss of dignity, feeling inferior, and failure. If you are suffering from this problem called erectile dysfunction (ED), you don’t need to lose hope and be hard on yourself as this article will proffer natural treatment for this health issue without having to count on medications.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetes- An Ayurveda view

Three things that cause erectile dysfunction in males with diabetes, and are; blood vessel damage, nerve impairment, and muscle function. A firm man’s erection involves healthy nerves, blood vessels, male hormones, and as well a man’s desire for sex, meaning man must be sexually stimulated.

However, diabetes is capable of damaging the nerves and blood vessels that are directly controlling erection in men. So, even if you have the desire to have sex and have a typical amount of hormones to keep you going, the possibility is still there not to be able to accomplish a firm erection as expected. The main issue is simply diabetes. (Read How to Increase Stamina for Diabetic Men ) On the other hand, there are other possible causes of men’s erectile dysfunction of all ages but more pronounced during the aging period. Other causes are:

  1. Consumption of excessive alcohol
  2. Poor blood flow
  3. Some medications
  4. Obesity or Sthoulya 
  5. Multiple sclerosis
  6. Chronic stress
  7. Smoking  And lots more.


Treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes do not necessarily need to be through medication as you can effectively treat and prevent this issue with natural means. If you are suffering from or perceiving symptoms of ED and you want to avoid medication means of treatment, there are available means which are natural and just require disciplines or a form of lifestyle changes. All these natural treatments have been discussed above. Follow them vividly, and you will be freed from erectile dysfunction (ED). In my next articles, I will discussing “Herbal remedies to completely treat and free from erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes”. Stay tuned to this page.

Author – Dr.Savitha Suri. Consultant ayurvedic physician. 

(WhatsApp Dr.Savitha Suri @+ 91 6360108663/  to know more about ayurvedic treatments and remedies )

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