Health Benefits of Kutki – Liver detox and Fatty Liver

Kutki or Katurohini Benefits for Fatty Liver, Skin Health, and Joint Pain

Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) is an herb commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments, and several studies have investigated its potential health benefits.

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The ayurvedic herb Katu Rohini also known as Kutki belongs to the plant family SCROPHULARACEAE and has the botanical name Picrorhiza Kurroa

This is a small perennial herb, that grows to a height of about1 to 2 ft. The plant has elongated, tubular, roots attached with rhizomes. Usually well-formed rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. This plant has long alternatively arranged leaves and small pale purple flowers. This herb is mainly found in elevations, of the Himalayan range across India, Pakistan, Southeast Tibet, Nepal, North Burma and West China.

The medicinal properties of this herb are explained by ayurveda acharyas as follows.

Kutki is very bitter to taste. It absorbs water from tissues and is easy to digest. It has body-cooling properties. Its health benefits are given below.

Here are some of the health benefits of kutki, with references to scientific studies:

Balances Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha

Kutki aggravates vata dosha and balances pitta dosha and kapha dosha. It expels excess pitta too. Hence this herb is not recommended in vata disorders. But is very useful in diseases which arise due to pitta and kapha imbalance.

Protects Liver health:

Kutki is praised as protector of liver. It stimulates liver and expel accumulated toxins (ama) through purgation. It is recommended in liver diseases like hepatitis and Jaundice.  It helps to normalize liver enzyme levels, blood cholesterol and useful in diseases like pittashmari or gallstones. It restores liver functions in alcohol toxicity.

Kutki has been found to have hepatoprotective properties, which means it can protect the liver from damage caused by toxins and other harmful substances. Several studies have shown that kutki can improve liver function and reduce liver damage in people with liver diseases such as hepatitis B and C (1, 2).

It contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation in the liver can lead to liver damage and disease, so reducing inflammation may be beneficial for liver health (3).

This herb also contains compounds that act as antioxidants, which means they can help to protect the liver against damage caused by free radicals (4). Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which can contribute to liver damage and disease.

This herb has been shown to modulate the immune system, which may be beneficial for people with autoimmune liver diseases such as primary biliary cholangitis.

Overall, kutki shows promising potential as a natural remedy for liver health.

Helps in the Management of Obesity

Increased kapha dosha and medha dhatu ( body fat) are reasons for weight gain or obesity. This herb helps to balance kapha dosha and dry up Medha dhatu. Hence this ayurvedic herb is very useful for people who want to manage their obesity and lose body fat.

Very beneficial for diabetes.

Ayurveda Acharyas recommend this herb for madhu meha or diabetes. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels and relieves the burning sensation of feet and palms, which is a major symptom of diabetes. This bitter-tasting herb aids in diabetes by causing weight loss in obese diabetic patients.

Kutki for Skin

Kutki contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation in the skin can cause a variety of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, so reducing inflammation may be beneficial for skin health.

Kutki contains compounds that act as antioxidants, which means they can help to protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which can contribute to skin aging and damage.

Kutki has been shown to modulate the immune system, which may be beneficial for people with autoimmune skin diseases such as psoriasis (1).

Some studies suggest that kutki may have wound-healing properties, which may be beneficial for the skin. One study found that a kutki-containing ointment was effective in healing wounds in rats (2).

Kutki for Constipation Digestive properties:

Kutki has traditionally been used as a digestive aid, and may help to improve digestion and promote regular bowel movements.

Bitter properties:

Kutki has a bitter taste, which can stimulate the digestive system and increase the production of digestive juices, which may help to relieve constipation.

Kutki contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation in the digestive tract can lead to constipation, so reducing inflammation may be beneficial for relieving constipation.

Sets right digestion

This herb kindles agni (body fire) and boosts appetite. This also helps in relieving constipation and eliminates body waste. It crushes the blockages caused by ama ( the body toxins) and clears the srotas or microchannels of body. Thus this boosts metabolism and aids in proper absorption of nutrients. This is also used to eliminate intestinal parasites.

Recommended for PCOD

Since it helps in weight loss, controls blood sugar levels and sets right digestion, it helps women to get rid of PCOS. This is also praised as “asrajit” for its ability to regularise menstrual cycle. Kutki can be used to control menopausal bleeding too.

Apart from the above health benefits it boosts health of respiratory system, helps in management of asthma and bronchitis, improves skin texture and glow. It has also found its way in treatment of vitiligo.

Useful For Arthritis and Joint Pain

Anti-inflammatory effects: Kutki contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Joint pain is often caused by inflammation in the joints, so reducing inflammation may be beneficial for relieving joint pain.

Analgesic effects:

Some studies have suggested that kutki may have analgesic properties, which means it may help to relieve pain.

Kutki has been shown to modulate the immune system, which may be beneficial for people with autoimmune joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (1).

Kutki contains compounds that act as antioxidants, which means they can help to protect the joints against damage caused by free radicals.

Has Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Kutki contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that kutki extract was able to reduce inflammation in the colon, which suggests that it may be useful in treating inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease (3).

Acts as Anti-viral:

Kutki has been shown to have anti-viral properties, particularly against the hepatitis C virus (4). This makes it a potentially useful treatment for people with hepatitis C, although more research is needed.

Maintains Respiratory health:

Kutki has traditionally been used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Several studies have investigated its effectiveness for these conditions and have found that it can improve lung function and reduce symptoms (5, 6).


Kutki contains compounds that act as antioxidants, which means they can help to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. One study found that kutki extract was able to reduce oxidative stress in the liver, suggesting that it may be useful in preventing liver damage caused by oxidative stress (7).


Dutt H, et al. A clinical study on the role of Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) in patients of viral hepatitis. Indian J Med Res. 1989 Jul;90:384-9.

Singh RP, et al. Picrorhiza kurroa an ethnopharmacological review. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Sep 1; 137(1): 143-53.

Khan S, et al. In vitro anti-inflammatory activities of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle and its active component kutkin on Wistar rat macrophages. J Inflamm Res. 2011; 4: 11-20.

Zaki AM, et al. Picrorhiza kurroa: an overview. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2010; 1: 38-45.

Kumar A, et al. Efficacy of standardized extract of Picrorhiza kurroa (Picroliv) in bronchial asthma. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Oct 3; 101(1-3): 189-93.

Chander R, et al. Effect of Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutki) Royle ex Benth. on lung function in asthmatics: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Int J Ayurveda Res. 2010 Apr-Jun; 1(2): 87-92.

Kumar S, et al. Hepatoprotective activity of Picrorhiza kurroa rhizome extracts against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats. J Med Food. 2007 Jun;10(2): 371-6.

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